Burlesque and Modeling

My debut show! More information is on the event’s Facebook page, and tickets can be obtained at EventBrite or by emailing LittleLionessProductions@gmail.com. You can come see in person or get an online ticket. 🙂 Let’s get the businessy stuff out of the way: In-person seating is limited and distanced and such, and seating is tiered. Closest seating is $25, but this doesn’t mean we can take cash held out. At the last show I was at, someone tried that, and he seemed confused that the dancer didn’t take it. A tip kitten goes around with a tip bucket, or tipping can be via Venmo (mine is @SexOnAStick) or CashApp ($NoelleXandria), and I do encourage it. Take my word on this…the ensembles are very expensive to make! I honestly don’t know how anyone can make a living out of this with as much as it costs to do, but artists are called “starving artists” for a reason that can be very literal!

And now the fun stuff! It’s Disney. It’s sexy people, nine who know what they’re doing, and me. 🙂 There’s sure to be humor, sentiment, and lots of fun. There’s a lot of body positivity in all of this, and I encourage people of all ages to watch (though the under-21 crowd has to watch at home due to age limits on who can be at The Big Legrowlski). My 11-year-old daughter is a fan. It’s really for all sexes and body types, and all ages over 18 to perform, though all ages to watch. I highly, HIGHLY encourage you to give us a try!

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